group comprises those elements known as the inert gases. Their characteristic
valence is 0. In the Pendulum diagram they appear on the middle line, alternately
with the Bars Group.
inert gas has the appearance of a flat six-armed star. All the six arms
within one element are the same. Fig. 147.
arms radiate from a central sphere made of five intersecting tetrahedrons.
This sphere first occurs in Neon and is the group Ne120 with which we are
familiar. Helium, which is classed by chemists with the inert gases, has
a different configuration and has been considered in the Hydrogen Group.
member of the Star Group has its meta variety or isotope. On examination
of the diagrams it will be seen that in each meta variety each of the six
arms has seven more Anu. Therefore the difference between Neon and Meta-Neon
is exactly forty-two Anu; and so with all the other elements and their
isotopes in the group.
gas was discovered in the clairvoyant investigations of 1907, for which
there is no place in the list of atomic numbers. Its rarity was then described
by saying that there might be one in the atmosphere of an ordinary-sized
room. It was named by us "Kalon," the "beautiful." and its diagram was
published, with that of its meta variety.
already stated. Neon is in the form of a flat star, with a central globe
and six radiating arms. Fig. 148.
globe consists of five interpenetrating tetrahedrons, each
tetrahedron being similar to that in Adyarium, Ad24. These five tetrahedrons
compose a form which generates the dodecahedron and icosahedron. The group
occurs often as the central globe of elements and is distinguished as Ne120.
Fig. 149.
Each arm of the star is composed of three bodies, including one of five
spheres, Ne22 which occurs in all the members of this group. Then come
three Li4, and finally a group containing two triplets. 2H3.
Neon = Ne120 + 6(Ne22 + 3Li4 + 2H3)
Central globe = 120 Anu
Six arms of 40 Anu = 240
Total = 360 Anu
Number weight 360 / 18 = 20.00tk
Isotope of Neon.
Meta-Neon differs from Neon by the insertion of an additional
Anu in each of the groups included in the second body within its arm, and
substituting a group of seven Anu for one of the triplets in the final
body. Fig. 148.
Meta-Neon = Ne120 + 6 [Ne22 + 6mNe15 + I.7 + H3]
Central globe = 120 Anu
Six arms of 47 Anu = 282
Total = 402 Anu
Number weight 402 / 18 = 22.33tk
FIG. 150. Argon
The central globe is formed of Ne120.
arm of the star contains the N63 group, then Ne22 and a new group of fourteen
Anu, Ar14.
Argon = Ne120 + 6(N63 + Ne22 + Ar14)
Central globe = 120 Anu
Six arms of 99 Anu = 594
Total = 714 Anu
Number weight 714 / 18 = 39.666tk
isotope of Argon contains seven more Anu in each arm, the Ar14 being replaced
by mNe15 and a cone of six Anu.
Meta-Argon = Ne120 + 6(N63 + Ne22 + mNe15 + mAr6)
Central globe = 120 Anu
Six arms of 106 Anu = 636
Total = 756 Anu
Number weight 756 / 18 = 42.00tk
curious irregularity appears in Argon. When its weight was determined it
was found to be heavier than Potassium instead of being lighter. Argon
comes, therefore, out of its proper place in the Periodic Table. But clairvoyant
research shows that it does not in reality do so, the true Argon does come
in its right place, and its number weight is 37.33. We have called the
lighter variety proto-Argon. It is extremely rare in the atmosphere, and
the ordinarily known Argon is the commoner variety.
Proto-Argon Ne120 + 6(N63 + Ne22 + I.7)
Central globe = 120 Anu
Six arms of 92 Anu = 552
Total = 672 Anu
Number weight 672 / 18 = 37.33tk
FIG. 151. Krypton
As in all the Star Group elements the central globe is Ne120.
arm of the star contains constituents from Argon and Meta-Argon, with the
addition of an N110. The groups N110 and N63 appear constantly in the building
up of these elements. When these two bodies appear one above the other
there is a strong attraction between them; the sphere-wall of N110 is pulled
towards N63, while the sphere wall of the latter undergoes a flattening
Star. Each
arm of the star contains the constituents of Krypton, with the addition
of another N110 globe and two smaller spheres, Xe14 and Xe15.
These are arranged symmetrically as shown in Fig. 152.
The arms are now much more complex. Kalon contains twice the constituents
of Krypton, with the addition of Xe14 and Xe15 from Xenon and a curious
cone. Ka12, possessing a kind of tail. Fig. 153.
a few atoms of Kalon and Meta-Kalon have been found in the air of a fairsized
room. This probably accounts for the fact that they have not yet been isolated
by science.
place Radon in this group of the inert gases. It was first known as Radium
Emanation and is formed by the action of the powerful vortex of Radium.
The central globe is, as usual, Ne120.
metes variety of Radon is extremely rare. It is also noteworthy for the
irregularity that in its metes-variety each arm has the extra seven Anu
outside the arm, and not within it.
the first stage of the disintegration of Neon on the E4 level the
star gives its central globe and six ovoids from the six points of the
star. The globe, Ne120, then breaks up further, giving its five tetrahedrons
Ad24. The ovoids each liberate three spheres containing 22, 12 and 6 Anu.
the E3 level the Ad24 each give four Ad6, and the spheres a sestet,
four quartets of a cross type, three quartets of the pyramid type and two
the E2 level the Ad6 each give two triplets and the other groups
break up into duads and units.
of the component parts of the elements in this group are familiar and their
disintegration may be followed under other elements.
Fig. 156 shows the elements of the Star Group in a condensed form, from
which their relationships can be studied.