THE twelve elements in this group occur on the swing of the
pendulum to the left of the central line.
are all tetrahedrons in shape, with the exception of Oxygen, which is ovoid.
Their characteristic valence is 2. Each element has four funnels of which
two are positive and two negative. The last two elements add 4 spikes directed
to the corners of the tetrahedron. Fig. 42.
we proceed with this study we shall find how continual are the repetitions,
and how Nature, with a limited number of fundamental methods, creates by
varied combinations her infinite variety of forms.
ERRATA Fig. 43x. There should be eleven, not ten groups of two Anu
between each group of seven Anu.
is the simplest member of this group. It consists of four funnels radiating
from a central globe, each funnel opening in the face of a tetrahedron.
Fig. 43.
The globe contains four Anu only. Be4.
Funnels. Each
funnel contains four ovoids. These ovoids are composed of ten
Anu arranged as two triplets and a quartet.
Beryllium = Be4 + 4 (4Be10)
Central Globe = 4 Anu
4 funnels of 40 Anu = 160
Total = 164 Anu
Number weight 164 / 18 = 9.11tk
was very early noted that Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen were quite different
in structure from the general run of the elements. Nearly all the elements
are built on the model of the regular solids, tetrahedron, cube and octahedron.
but Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen seem totally distinct. An interesting
suggestion has been made that these three may in reality belong to quite
another scheme of elements.
The gaseous atom of Oxygen is an ovoid within which a spirally-coiled, snake-like
body, with five brilliant points of light shining on each of the coils,
revolves at a high velocity. The snake-like body is really double, one
half being negative and one positive.
Fig. 43a shows diagrammatically this double spiral. Oxygen, however, has an
appearance of solidity due to the fact that the two spirals spin round
a common axis, in opposite directions, and so present a continuous surface.
The brilliant bodies seen in the atom are on the crests of the waves in
the positive snake, and in the hollows in the negative one, small bead-like
bodies interpose between the larger brilliant spheres. These smaller bodies
making up the spirals are very simple, being tiny spheres of two Anu, N2.
The larger spheres have seven Anu, but are of two types, O.7 and O.7'.
Fig. 43b is that of the Oxygen atom, showing the two spirals revolving in opposite
directions producing the correct effect of a rounded body. One spiral is
positive and the other negative, and each represents therefore one half
of Oxygen. We shall call each j O. At first sight, the two halves seem
alike, except for the difference in their twist; there is however a fundamental
Each j O contains five large spheres of seven Anu. These are different in configuration
according as they belong to the positive j O, or to the negative j O. Fig. 44.
j O is composed of five sections, which are all alike. A section consists
of a group of 7 Anu, having above it 6 groups of N2, and below it 5 groups
of N2. The five sections join together into one long string of beads, and
then the whole string turns into a spiral.
From Fig. 44 we can note at once the principal difference in the two halves
of the atom; it is in the group of 7 Anu. In the positive j O the O.7 is
arranged in a particular way; in the centre is one positive Anu. 6 other
Anu, 3 of them positive and 3 negative, are placed at the 6 points represented
by the centres of the 6 sides of a cube. In the group of 7 Anu in the negative
l O, there is a different arrangement; the centre is formed by one negative
Anu; 6 other Anu, 3 positive and 3 negative, are arranged in pairs on three
levels, one pair on a line with the centre, the other two pairs above and
below at right angles to each other. The median line, however, is not at
right angles to either, but somewhat aslant. To each group of 7 Anu there
are attached 11 groups of 2 Anu, and the arrangement is shown in Fig. 44.
All this description, however, gives no real idea of the extraordinarily powerful
nature of the forces which make Oxygen. How many types of force are involved
is not yet known; three however have been noted. The operation of the first
force appears to begin at the central positive Anu of the positive group
of seven. That Anu gets charged by the Sun in a special way. The force, which is
like blinding light, radiates out in all directions through the whorls
of the Anu, and draws towards it 6 other Anu, 3 of them positive and 3
there wells up from the central Anu a second force. From the central Anu
the force flows as indicated by the lines, following always this law, that
a force always flows out from the bottom of an Anu, that is from its pointed
end, and enters in at the top of it, at its heart-shaped depression. In
the positive group of 7 Anu, the force flowing from the central Anu traverses
the other six Anu and re-enters the central Anu at its heart-shaped
depression. A complete circuit is thus made.
In so completing the circuit, the force causes a third force to manifest,
as if by a kind of induction. It enters from the fourth dimension through
the central Anu, and its operation is dual: first, it charges the group
as a whole and then shoots upwards, and through each duad. It not only
shoots up through them, it brings them into their position as a string
of 6 duads. When it reaches the topmost dead, it shoots upwards still.
if another section of the 10 is above it; if there is no section above,
the force curves over and enters the topmost duad of the negative j O.
and shoots downwards through the 6 duads. If there were not then a group
of 7 Anu the force would rush downwards gathering more duads as pearls
on a string. But on the descent, after the 6 duads, it meets a stream of
force coming to it at right angles.
This third force also issues from the central Anu of the
positive 7; it shoots out at right angles to the ascending force.
When the upward force in its descent meets this force at right
angles, a vortex is created, whose effect is to bring first a
negative Anu, and then round it 6 other Anu, three negative and
three positive. When so brought into being this predominantly
negative group of 7 Anu exercises a curious effect on the positive
group. It is as if it existed in order to step down the tremendous
energy welling in the positive seven, so as to make it utilizable
for work. The flow of the force
within the negative 7 is as drawn in Fig. 44. But whereas, in the
case of the positive group, the force issues at the bottom of the
central Anu in one stream, here, in the negative group, that force
as it issues at the bottom divides into two streams, each stream
traversing three Anu, and then returning back to the central Anu
from which it originated. If the diagram is carefully examined, it
will be noted that one stream, for instance that drawn as going to
the right, as it issues from the point of the central negative Anu,
enters into a positive Anu, then enters a negative Anu, then enters
a positive Anu, and then returns to the negative Anu, from which it
enters into the central Anu. Similarly, the stream marked on the
diagram as flowing from the point of the central Anu to the left
enters into a negative Anu, then enters a positive Anu, then enters
a negative Anu, and then returns to the positive Anu, from which it
enters into the central Anu. A complete circuit is thus made.
The descending force continues to rush down the 5 duads, and then on to the
6 upper duads of the next section. When the last section is reached, the
force curves over to the positive j O and enters it.
The spirally-coiled snake-like body which is Oxygen appears as a snake of white
light, but when the snake is separated into its two constituents, the positive
10 and the negative j O, the former is rose-red in colour, and the latter
Oxygen = (55N2 + 5.O.7) + (55N2 + 5.O.7')
Positive half 55 spheres of 2 Anu = 110
+ 5 discs of 7 Anu = 145 Anu
Negative half 55 spheres of 2 Anu = 110
+ 5 discs of 7 Anu = 145
Total = 290 Anu
Number weight 290 / 18 = 16.11tk
Second Variety of OXYGEN
It is mentioned above that from the positive 7 a force
shoots out at right angles. After the negative 7 is made there is
an interaction between the two. In some Oxygen atoms this
interaction produces a kind of stress, and there arises between them
a force which flows in from the fourth dimension and holds 4 Anu,
two positive and two negative. Fig. 45. These 4 Anu are not
encircled by any sphere wall; the force enters all four
simultaneously, and does not go out of them. Why this body of 4 Anu
exists is not known; of course it makes a heavier variety of Oxygen.
Positive section: 7 + (11 x 2) Anu = 29 Anu
Negative section = 29
New group of 4 Anu = 4
Total = 62 Anu
there are five such pairs making up Oxygen the new variety contains 5 x
62 Anu = 310 Anu.
Number weight 310 / 18 = 17.22tk
Even of this second variety, there are two variants. One
is as shown in Fig. 45, where in the group of four the two positive
Anu are vertical. But there is a second variant, where the two
positive Anu are horizontal. In this position they are farther
apart than when vertical. This gives rise to two shapes of this
second variety. Each Oxygen has its sphere wall, which is ovoid.
The ovoid of the second variety is naturally fatter round the middle
than the ordinary variety. But of the second variety there is one
which is fatter than the other, this being the case when the two
positive Anu are horizontal.
Third Variety of OXYGEN
This is probably not a natural variety, that is, it is not
to be found in the atmosphere. It was artificially constructed, by
tacking on to each j O, to the positive and to the negative, another
pair of sections. This produced a very elongated Oxygen. How long
this variety persists is not known, probably not very long.
Five pairs of sections of 58 Anu each = 290 Anu
New pair of sections = 58
Total = 348 Anu
Number weight 348 / 18 = 19.33tk
the few oxides so far examined, the Oxygen is of the normal Variety 1.
The Vitality Globule
connection with quite a different series of investigations dealing with
the problem of Prana or Vitality, an apparently similar group of 7 Anu
to that in Oxygen was noted.
later investigations showed that the conclusion arrived at that the Vitality
Globule was the same as the brilliant 7 in Oxygen was erroneous, though
the error is easily accounted for. The 7 in Oxygen and the 7 in the Vitality
Globule appear so similar that it is only on close examination that the
very slight difference between them is noted.
FIG. 46. The Tetrahedron Group A
Positive Group O.7 -- The Vitaltty Globule
first glance the two groups in Fig. 46 seem to be the same, but closer
examination will show the difference. In both, six of the seven Anu are
arranged at the six points in space - north, south, east and west, zenith
and nadir - and the seventh is in the centre. In both, the force flows from
the bottom of the central Anu, which is positive, and it circulates as
shown in the diagram. But there is a difference in the two Anu which make
the zenith and nadir. In Oxygen, the Anu at the zenith is positive; that
in the Vitality Globule is negative. This makes the Anu at the nadir in
Oxygen 7 negative, while that in the Vitality Globule is positive.
slight difference in arrangement makes, however, a great difference in
the behaviour of the two groups. It will be seen, in looking at the diagram
of Oxygen 7, that the upper part of the group has three positive Anu, showing
that, at a certain stage of the flow of force, the force passes into three
positive Anu in succession, and then back again into the central
Anu. On the other hand, in the Vitality Globule, the force flows alternatively
from positive to negative, except of course at the end when the force flows
back into the central positive Anu. The fact that there are 3 positive
Anu in the upper part of Oxygen brings about a rigidity in the group. It
therefore stands upright, as it spins round its axis, with the positive
Anu at the zenith.
the Vitality Globule, however, owing to the fact that the force flows alternatively
into positive and negative, the group, though spinning round its axis,
is not held rigidly in an upright position. It turns head over heels, or
in any direction according to the influence of other forces. Yet both globules
are intensely brilliant and not to be distinguished one from the other
at a casual glance. Nevertheless, the difference between them is fundamental,
as the Vitality group is charged with a force from the Sun which is called
Prana or Vitality, which emanates from the Second Aspect of the Logos,
while the Oxygen group is charged with a similar force which also comes
from the Sun, but from the Third Aspect of the Logos. One group cannot
be transformed into the other, because there is a fundamental difference
in the forces which play through each. Though no research has been made
into the matter, probably the Vitality Globule does not enter
into chemical combination with other groups.
appearance of Ozone is indicated in Fig. 47. It is composed of three Oxygen
snakes, that is, of one Oxygen atom of two snakes, and a third extra snake
of half Oxygen. These three snakes are at the points of an equilateral
triangle. They are on one plane, so that as they revolve, the large bodies
within each snake come together at the nodes. Ozone being thus I (O ),
it is found that there are two varieties of Ozone. Fig. 47 shows one variety
made of two positive snakes and one negative. The second variety of Ozone
is composed of two negative snakes and one positive.
A surprising fact was noted, that the first variety of Ozone, i.e., two positive
and one negative, always rose in the air. It cannot be lighter, because
the number of Anu in both varieties of Ozone are the same, that is 435.
No investigation was made to decide whether positive Ozone rose because
of some repulsion to gravity, or because there was some force of a positive
electrical quality radiating from the earth from which positive Ozone rebounded.
At the height of the Blue Mountains near Sydney, about 3,000 feet above
sea level, all the specimens examined of Ozone were positive. Compared
with negative Ozone, the positive variety gave a specially clean impression,
suggesting that perhaps the sense of cleanness of the air in mountain regions
may be due less to the absence of dust particles and more to the presence
of positive Ozone.
It was noted that Ozone j (O3) has a tendency to
revert to Oxygen, leaving one snake to go and find a mate for
itself. It was also noted that electrical action breaks up Oxygen
into its two constituent halves.
follows the pattern of Beryllium, but 720 Anu are packed into the simple
Beryllium form. Fig. 48.
Central globe. The central globe is double, globe within globe, and is divided
into eight segments radiating from the centre like an orange, the internal
part of the segment, that belonging to the inner globe, has a triangular
body within it containing four Anu, Li4. The external part, belonging to
the encircling globe, shows the familiar Ad6.
Funnels. Calcium
contains in each funnel three spheres, of which the central one. Ca70,
has within it seven ovoids, Be10, identical with those of Beryllium. The
spheres, Ca45, above and below the central sphere, each contain five ovoids
each of 9 Anu. The funnels thus contain 160 Anu and may be
distinguished as Ca160. The spheres Ca70 and Ca45 occur
Central globe. The globe is identical with that of Calcium as regards its external
segments. In the internal segments the group N6 is substituted for the
Li4. Fig. 48.
Funnels. The
funnels are very similar to those of Calcium save that two extra spheres
are added, the funnels being widened to accommodate them. Each funnel contains
the three spheres which form the Calcium funnel, Ca160, and two extra spheres,
Cr25. These two extra spheres contain five quintets of which two pairs
are to each other as object and image.
Chromium = (8N6 + 8Ad6) + 4 (Ca160 + 2Cr25)
Central globe = 96 Anu
4 funnels each 210 Anu = 840
Total = 936 Anu
Number weight 936 / 18 = 52.00tk
FIG. 49. Strontium, Molybdenum
globe. The number of the divisions of the double sphere of the central
globe is the same as in Calcium, but the contents differ. The cigars, Ad6,
in the external segments are replaced by ovoids containing seven Anu, I.7.
The internal segments contain triangles with five Anu. The whole makes
up Sr96. Fig. 49.
Funnels. Within the funnel there are eight spheres. The six lower spheres are identical
with those in Calcium and make up two Calcium funnels, i.e. 2Ca160. Each
of the highest pair of spheres. Sr24, contains four subsidiary spheres,
with groups of 5, 7, 7 and 5 Anu respectively. These are B5, I.7, I.7 and
B5. The I.7 groups are identical with those in Gold, but the difference
of pressure in Gold makes the containing body spherical instead of ovoid;
similar groups are seen in the top ring of the Iodine funnel, where also
the group is oval in form.
Strontium = Sr96 + 4 (2Ca160 + 2Sr24)
Central globe = 96 Anu
4 funnels of 368 Anu = 1472
Total = 1568 Anu
Number weight 1568 / 18 = 87.11tk
element closely resembles Calcium and Strontium. It differs from Strontium
only in the composition of the highest pair of spheres in the funnel, and
in the presence of a little sphere containing two Anu in the middle of
the central globe. Fig. 49.
Central globe. The outer sections of the central globe contain the group I.7, and
the inner sections contain the groups B5, exactly as in Strontium. In addition
we find a sphere of two Anu, N2, in the centre of the globe.
Funnels. Each funnel contains two complete Calcium funnels, 2Ca160, as in Strontium.
The two topmost spheres in the funnel each contain eight smaller spheres.
Two of these are Li4, two B5 and four I.7, making 46 Anu in all, Mo46.
The total in one funnel is thus 2Ca160 + 2 Mo46, making 412 Anu.
Molybdenum = (Sr96 + N2) + 4 (2Ca160 + 2Mo46)
Central globe = 98 Anu
4 funnels of 412 Anu = 1648
Total = 1746 Anu
Number weight 1746 / 18 = 97.00tk
FIG. 50. Barium and Neodymium
element closely resembles Calcium and Strontium but introduces some new
bodies into its funnels and globe. Fig. 50.
The Central globe is exactly similar to that of Strontium, save that it
has an I.7 in the centre.
Funnels. In
the funnels we find two Calcium funnels, 2Ca160, at the head of each of
which appears the sphere Mo46. Within the funnels appears also a third
rather complex segment. It contains first a new body Ba33, consisting of
four fives and a seven, and an Ad6 group round which two of the lives revolve.
This body, Ba33, is destined to play a prominent part in the powerful central
globe of Radium.
We find next, in this central segment in the funnel of
Barium the material of the Lithium spike, Li63, re-arranged as a
sphere. This may have been borrowed from the adjacent element
Caesium. The third sphere, Ha80, in this segment, contains the
group Ba33, with two attendant spheres of 24 and 23 Anu
respectively, which suggest in their arrangement the centre of the
globe of Lutetium and Radium.
element much resembles Molybdenum in respect of its funnels, but has a
much larger central globe. Fig. 50.
Central globe.
The globe has a central portion of 27 Anu, which is also found in Cerium,
as well as in the later members of the group. Tungsten and Uranium.
Round this centre we find 20 segments, each containing a group of 32 Anu very
similar to the group Ba33 found in Barium and Radium. The whole is similar
to that of Cerium, Ce667.
Funnels. In
each funnel we find first two complete Calcium funnels, 2Ca160, then two
spheres Mo46, and finally a completely new sphere. It is composed of a
quintet mNe5, then 4 quintets B5, then four I.7 and 4 triplets, arranged
so as to form a symmetrical pattern as shown. The whole make the group
element is built up in a manner somewhat similar to Neodymium. Fig. 51.
Central globe. The centre-piece of the globe is Ce27. Round this radiate 24
segments, each of 26 Anu, Yb26. This central globe contains 651 Anu.
Funnels. Each
funnel contains three Ca160, two Mo46 and a new sphere Yb48, making up
620 Anu. The sphere Yb48 consists of four ovoids each containing
twelve Anu.
Tungsten may be said to be a stage between Ytterbium and Radium. In fact Tungsten
is almost exactly Radium without the spikes which are the distributive
agency of Radium. Its central sphere. Lu819, is identical with that of
Radium, except that the six Anu at the outer end of each section are not
equidistant but are definitely arranged in the cigar form. In the case
of Radium it is evidently the speed of revolution which overcomes their
cohesion. In Tungsten the speed of revolution is much less, and the element
is only slightly radio active. The funnels of Tungsten are almost identical
with those of Radium, except that Tungsten contains two more Anu in each
funnel Fig. 51.
Central globe. The globe consists of a central sphere, Ce27, and 24 sections
containing Ba33, making up 819 Anu in all. This sphere is first met with
in Lutetium and is therefore identified as Lu819. As has been pointed out
above, it occurs in Radium and other radio-active elements.
Funnels. The Tungsten funnels are exactly like those
of Ytterbium. Each funnel contains three sections, first three
Calcium funnels, Ca160, and then two Mo46 spheres and one Yb48.
Radium is built on a pattern similar to the other elements of its
group. Fig. 52.
Central globe. Radium has a complex central sphere, Lu819, extraordinarily
vivid and living; the whirling motion is so rapid that continued accurate
observation is very difficult; the sphere is more closely compacted than
the centre-piece in many other elements, and is much larger in proportion
to the funnels and spikes than is the case with some of the other elements
in the group; in the lighter elements the funnels are much larger than
the centres, whereas in Radium the diameter of the sphere and the length
of the funnel or spike are about equal. The heart of the sphere is a globe
containing seven Anu. This globe is the centre of two crosses, the arms
of which show respectively groups with two and three Anu. Round this central
sphere are arranged, as on radii, twenty-four segments, each containing
five bodies, as in Ba33 -- four quintets and a septet - and six loose Anu,
which float horizontally across the mouth of the segment; the whole sphere
has thus a kind of surface of Anu.
In the rush of the streams presently to be described, one of these Anu is
occasionally torn away, but is generally, if not always, replaced by the
capture of another which is flung into the vacated space.
Funnels. The
funnels are identical with those of Tungsten except that they contain two
fewer Anu. We find first the three Calcium funnels, 3 Ca160, and then three
Mo46, instead of two Mo46 and one Yb48.
The three sections in the Radium-funnel are thus similar to one another. They
stand at the corners of a triangle and not side by side.
Spikes. Radium has four spikes alternate with the funnels and pointing to the angles
of the tetrahedron. Each spike contain three Li63 and a cone or cap of
ten Anu, Cu10, floating above the three Li63.
A very peculiar result, so far unobserved elsewhere, arises from the extraordinarily
rapid whirling of the central sphere. A kind of vortex is formed, and there
is a constant and powerful indraught through the funnels. By this, particles
are drawn in from without, and these are swept round with the sphere; their
temperature becoming much raised, and they are then violently shot out
through the spikes. It is these jets which occasionally sweep away an Anu
from the surface of the sphere. These particles may be single Anu, or
they may be bodies from any of the etheric levels; in some cases the bodies
break up and form new combinations. In fact Radium seems like a kind of
vortex of creative activity, drawing in, breaking up, recombining, shooting
forth - a most extraordinary element.
is formed on the same pattern as Radium, but is far less active. It has
four spikes as well as four funnels. Fig. 53.
Central Globe. This is similar to that of Lutecium, Tungsten and Radium, except
that the six Anu at the outer end of each section are not
but definitely arranged as a cigar. In this it follows Tungsten.
Funnels. The
four funnels are exactly similar to those in Radium. Each contains three
Calcium funnels. 3 Ca160, and three Mo46 spheres.
Spikes. The
four spikes contain the three Lithium spikes as in Radium, but
instead of the little cap of ten Anu there come two small globes.
One of these contains Ad24 and 4 triplets, Ur36, and the other, four
triplets and one I.7, Ur19. The first of these spheres, Ur36,
contains components of a Helium atom. Here we have the suggestion
of the composition of the Helium atom that we should expect, since
Helium is produced by the disintegration of Uranium.
element contains four similar funnels and a central globe. The E4 groups
consist of these five bodies set free. Fig. 54.
Each funnel,
released from pressure, assumes a spherical form, with its four ovoids,
Be10, spinning within it.
On the E3 level, these four ovoids, Be10, are set free, and two from each
funnel are seen to be positive and two negative.
the E2 level these decads each disintegrate into two triplets and a quartet,
the positive with the points outward, the negative with the points inward.
central globe on the E4 level remains a sphere containing a whirling
the E3 level the cross shows a change in the resultant force-lines, preparatory
to its breaking into two duads an the E2 level.
the E4 level the two snakes divide. The positive and negative snakes each
consist of fifty-five duads and five brilliant discs. These discs have
seven Anu but are differently arranged; those in the positive snake have
the Anu arranged as in the Iodine ovoids, I.7, whereas the negative snake
has them arranged as in a capital H. The snakes show the same extraordinary
activity on the E4 level as on the gaseous, twisting and writhing, darting
and coiling.
the E3 level the snakes break into 10 fragments, each consisting of a disc,
with six beads, N2, on one side and five on the other, remaining as lively
as the original snake.
the E2 level the snakes shiver into their constituent discs and beads,
there yielding the ten discs, five positive and five negative, and 110
beads, 55 positive and 55 negative.
The, funnels as usual assume a spherical form on the E4 level, and show
three spheres, two Ca45 and one Ca70, each containing ovoids. At the second
stage these three spheres, still on the E4 level, break free from their
containing funnel, and three bodies are thus liberated on the E4 level.
sphere, Ca70, contains seven groups of ten Anu, Be10, and acts on the E3
and E2 levels as shown in Fig. 56 and under Beryllium.
the E3 level the two spheres, Ca45, each containing five ovoids. Al.9',
set free ten positive and ten negative duads and ten quintets.
the E2 level the duads become single Anu, and the central Anu from the
quintet is also set free, making fifty units in all. The remaining four
Anu of the quintet divide into two duads, making 20 duads.
The central globe breaks up into eight segments on the E4 level. Each segment
becomes spherical and contains within it a cigar, Ad6, and a somewhat heartshaped
body. Li4. Fig. 56.
the E3 level each segment gives eight spheres of six Anu, the cigar behaving
as usual, four sextets being positive and four negative. The four Anu within
the Li4, which appear as a tetrahedron, remain together on the E3 level.
Four positive and four negative quartets are formed.
On the E2 level the Ad6 dissociates into triplets and the Li4 breaks up into
FIG. 57. Disintegration of Chromium, Strontium, Molybdenum
Each Chromium funnel contains five spheres. Three of these are in Calcium,
two Ca45 and one Ca70. Then there are two Cr25, each containing five quintets.
These five spheres are quickly set free on the E4 level The Ca45's and
Ca70's behave as in Calcium, Fig. 56. The Cr25 can be seen on closer examination
to contain two pairs of quintets which are mirror images of each other,
and a fifth quintet which is of a different type. Fig. 57.
At the second stage of E4 each Cr25 forms two figures of ten Anu, making two
joined pyramids as in Copper. The remaining quintet is set free.
On the E3 level each figure of ten Anu gives a dead and two quartets in a
ring. The remaining quintet makes a ring with the fifth Anu in the centre.
On the E2 level 10 duads and 5 single Anu are set free from the Cr25.
Central globe. In the central globe each segment is first set free, making 8 spheres
on the E4 level. Each sphere contains Ad6 and a pair of triangles as in
On the E3 level these triangles revolve round each other, while the Ad6 acts
as usual.
On the E2 level the triangles break up into two duads and two units, while
each Ad6 gives 2 triads.
The Strontium funnel contains eight spheres, six as in Calcium, four Ca45
and two Ca70, and two Sr24. All these are liberated in the first stage
on the E4 level. The Ca45's and Ca70's behave as in Calcium. At the second
stage each Sr24 forms three groups. One of these is a group of ten Anu
with two pyramids with apices joined, as in Chromium, and there are two
groups of seven Anu, I.7. Fig. 57.
All these disintegrate as shown, either under Calcium or Strontium. Figs. 56
and 57. On the E4 level the joined pyramids give two quartets and a dead,
and the I.7 gives a group of seven Anu as in Iodine. On the E2 level the
joined pyramids give 4 duads and 2 units as in Chromium, and each seven
gives two triads and a unit. There is really nothing new in Strontium,
only repetitions of forms already studied
The funnels contain 8 spheres. The first six of these are as in Strontium,
while the last two are Mo46. In this Mo46 occur two additional groups of
four Anu arranged in the form of a tetrahedron; they occur in pairs as
object and image. Fig. 57.
On the E3 level the tetrahedrons give quartets, and on the E2 level these
tetrahedrons each give two duads.
Fig. 58 shows the Tetrahedron Group A in a condensed form, from which the relationships
in this group can be studied.