FAIR the Karma of those living in the present.
Thirsting for knowledge, they may be satisfied. Bright
rays of light kindled by the hand of the "master" have
recently been thrown on the dark enigmas of Life. The
fragments of Occult lore here presented have been culled
from that store-house of "Ancient Wisdom", the "Secret
Doctrine", and
should perusal induce any reader desirous of greater knowledge
to study at the fountainhead, the object of the writer of
these leaves will be fully attained. Let us see, then, what
lessons for the conduct of life a slight sketch of esoteric
history, and a few of the leading doctrines of Occultism,
can furnish those who desire for a guide the pole star of
Truth. [Page 12]
For the benefit of those readers who have little or no acquaintance
with Theosophical teachings, we must first state —That
on this planet, during this portion of the great evolutionary
cycle, through which all things must pass on their journey
from the One to the One, four great root races of human
kind have come and gone with their numerous branches and
sub-branches. It will be advisable, however, to pass over
the first two root races, as they were not composed of physical
men, but of astral shadows. We of this age are undoubtedly
too material, in more senses than one, to take much interest
in such beings.
Let us commence, then, with the Third Root Race. Each great
race lives on a continent, with whose destiny its own fate
is closely entwined. The abode of the one
just named has been called Lemuria, although, be it remembered,
neither this nor the name given to the succeeding continent
are the correct archaic terms. Lemuria extended from the
foot of the Himalayas, southwards, to within a few degrees
of the Antarctic Circle, embracing Australia and Tasmania
(then inland regions) east and west as far as where the
two Americas now lie, including, also, parts of Scandanavia.
Thus this huge continent once reigned supreme on the sites
of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans, afterwards
breaking up into several huge islands.
It came into existence in the Secondary period, and was
destroyed about 700,000 years before the beginning of the
Tertiary, by means of volcanic fire. The early sub-races
inhabiting Lemuria had no solid physical forms, neither
were they differentiated into sexes. These changes, however,
took place long before the end of their life cycle. From
causes which we need not here dwell upon, the Lemurian race
gradually degenerated in stature from 120 feet to a height
of 60 feet, at time of separation into sexes, finally being
about 25 feet at time of destruction. During the
Lemurian period, the incidents, called the "sins of
the mindless man", took place. For this Root Race was
divided into three distinct classes, corresponding to separate
points reached by each, in the cycle of mental evolution.
The lowest, called the "mindless", by connection
with huge she animals, bred a race of dumb, red-hair covered
monsters, going on all fours. The causes of these degrading
events are fully described in the "Secret Doctrine".
A portion, however, of the Lemurians attained a high degree
of civilization, developing a considerable amount of intellectuality
during their life cycle. They built huge cities. Of rare
earths and metals they built. They cut their own images,
in their size and likeness, and worshipped them. [ Book
of Dzyan ] Nearly 8,000,000 years ago, they sank
to their doom, and the great race of Atlanteans then occupied
the scene. For as one [Page 13] great
continent is destroyed another rises from the ocean floors,
and forms eventually the home of the succeeding race. The
land of Atlantis was of vast extent also, covering the present
site of the Atlantic Ocean, including besides portions of
Europe and East Africa.
Its geological history may be briefly presented as follows.
Coming into existence 700,000 years before the Tertiary
period, the main continent perished over 4,000,000 years
afterwards, in the great deluge of the Mid-Miocene age.
But the islands of Ruta and Daitya, belonging to Atlantis,
were destroyed 850,000 years ago; whilst Plato's Atlantis,
or Poseidoni's isle, sank 12,000 years only from now. The
Fourth Root-Race, called Atlanteans, was composed, says
the " Secret Doctrine” of
several distinct humanities, and an almost countless number
of races and nations. There were brown, yellow, white, and
black giants and dwarfs amongst them.
The Atlantean age is
of absorbing interest to anthropologists on account of the
ape origin question being solved by the "Secret Doctrine” during
its treatment of that period. We learn that apes are the
offspring of Lemuro-Atlantean bestiality, consorting as
they did with females of semi-human kind, producing thus
the ancestors of modern anthropoid apes.
The relations, therefore, according to Occultism, existing
between the human species and apes are the reverse of those
imagined by a great modern school of evolutionists. The
Atlantean races, however, included extremes. If some were
bestial in their habits, others attained a high degree of
civilization, cultivating all the arts and sciences now
known to us of the Fifth Race, and others remaining unknown
in this age. Rediscovery of the latter will be the work
of the future. For instance, amongst other extraordinary
achievements, the Atlanteans accomplished the arts of aeronautic
navigation, and of so polarizing iron that they could not
be killed or wounded by weapons made of this metal. In religious
matters they were themselves polarized in two opposing sections — one,
with a lofty spiritual faith; the other, idolators, and
offering homage to the Spirits of the Earth.
The war which ensued between the " White Adepts” and
the "wicked sorcerers" culminated in the destruction
of the latter.
This, and much more, does Esoteric History
tell us of the Great Root Races passed and gone; neither
is it silent about the future. We are now in the Fifth Root
Race, its fifth sub-race is accomplishing its cycle, and
in due time the Sixth will appear and inhabit the new continent,
destined for its reception.
The lessons Aryans may now learn from the Occult chronicles,
are neither few nor unimportant. We see each great root
race of the past, with [Page 14] all
its branches and sub-branches, passing through periods including
in their scope all the vicissitudes of life. So must it
be in the future, conforming to the Esoteric Doctrine which
says, "The
Ego must taste of all experience during its cycle, in order
to fit itself for existence hereafter on a higher plane". Occultism,
moreover, affirms that the great race destroying cataclysms
we have noted are precipitated by the descent into animality
and crime of human kind. Hence it is evident that man has
it in his power, by befouling his moral atmosphere, to seriously
and adversely affect the physical plane of existence. As
an Occultist has well said, " the evil imaginations
of men corrupt the imagination of nature." Each one,
then, has a choice. To listen to the animal desires powerful
to lead astray. For
Kama it is!
Passion it is! born of the Darknesses,
Which pusheth him, mighty of appetite,
Sinful and strong is this — man's enemy.
— “Bhagavad-Gîtâ."
Remaining thus enchained by gross matter, dragged down to
lower planes, until with vast suffering, the lesson of life
is learnt. Or hearkening well to the voice of the Higher
Self, spurning with disdain all material clogs, toil strenuously
aloft the path to Man's great heritage.
In every age, the
great "Leaders of the World" have striven to
guide our steps aright. They call and beckon us now. Shall
we heed? Let the cycles pass on. The future alone can show.
The great keystone doctrine of Occultism, viz., Karma and
Reincarnation, only lightly touched on in connection with
esoteric human history, may now be considered in another
aspect. It is the pride and boast of thinkers and workers
of the modern evolutionary school of philosophy, that they
have succeeded in demonstrating the inviolable supremacy
of Law in every department of Nature, It requires, however,
very little courage to assert, as we now do, that all efforts
to elaborate a perfect system of Moral Law, acting entirely
on this plane, have failed. All systems of philosophy are
here at fault. Useless is it to say, ” Inquiry will
result in the conviction that the moral sense is not ultimate,
but derivative, and that it has been built up out of slowly
organized experiences of pleasures and pains". [ Cosmic
Philosophy," vol.2, page 321] According to this view the human races of the past have suffered
and endured that we of the present might know good from evil.
They were sacrificed, in short, that we might be blessed.
[Page 15] The idea is so revolting to ordinary conceptions of
justice, that it stands condemned at first sight. This system,
however, is the best that moralists can construct on a material
footing apart from the Occult doctrine. It is but reasonable
to conclude, therefore, that unless the latter is admitted
as a base, one wing, and that the most important one of the
magnificent structure erected by the genius of modern thinkers,
must remain uncompleted, an eyesore, to mar the whole.
If, however, the Law of Karma and Reincarnation is accepted,
a complete and scientific system of morals stands revealed.
The vast edifice is complete. The task finished. Bearing
these considerations in view, it would not be surprising
to see in the immediate future recognition of these facts
on the part of the fine intellects which compose the evolutionary
school of philosophy.
Members of the many Christian sects
doubtless object to the Occult doctrine, on grounds connected
with their own theological conceptions of the matter. To
such we can merely reply now, that as Geo. Coombe long ago
remarked in his " Constitution of Man," that if
Divine Providence cannot be shown to be just in this world,
there is no reason for expecting justice from it in any other.
It is just because the Law of Karma and Reincarnation does
show inflexible justice meted out to all on this plane, that
Occultists can so confidently put it forward as a complete
solution to the darkest Enigmas of Life.
The reign of the Perfect Law, moreover, allows full and free
play for the free will of Man. Thus it acts in contradistinction
to the views of Life held by some eminent materialists, who
are of opinion that all animals, including the human species,
are merely automata. But in accordance with the ideas of
every Christian sect, except one. Every Occultist, of course,
recognizes the difficulty any new doctrine, however reasonable
in itself, must encounter for a long time in making headway.
The esoteric system, however, has on its side a spirit of
devotion, immense sacrifices, greater than aught else in
our day can show.
These heroic efforts cannot, will not,
fail. They are backed up by mighty influences working on
higher planes than this. For the Theosophical Society is
not an ordinary body of persons bound together for commonplace
objects. Far from it.
A great French scholar has declared Theosophy the third great
movement of the world. Let all, then, joined in this great
enterprise, constantly remember the end to be attained. And
if, perchance, some, appalled by the gigantic obstacles in
our path, feel at times disposed to falter by the way, such
should then remember those "Great Souls " who never
hesitate or leave their watch. [Page
16] And, gaining
this fresh strength of heart, turn anew to help “the
few strong hands who uphold the heavy Karma of the world". Many
besides there are, in this age, storm-tossed upon the sea
of doubt, weary of the strife of warring creeds, who yet
hesitate for reasons easy to be understood to join the Cause.
To such, let Krishna's words appeal —
He that, being self contained, hath vanquished doubt,
Disparting self from service, soul from works
Enlightened and emancipate, my Prince
Works fetter him no more. Cut them atwain
With sword of wisdom, Son of Bharata!
This doubt that binds thy heart-beats! cleave the bond
Born of thy ignorance! Be bold and wise!
Give thyself to the field with me! Arise!
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