THE Theosophical Society is the proper place for many different types of men and women, and for people in varied
stages of growth and development.
First. Its broad and non-sectarian basis should attract to it all those who take an intellectual interest in
its second or third objects: the study of ancient philosophies, religions, and sciences, and the development
and investigations of the psychic powers and faculties latent in many.
Many students of modern western philosophy join its ranks because they find there others who can assist them
and throw light upon their difficulties from the standpoint of Oriental philosophy. Students of modern physical
science, too, will find in the T. S. those who can cooperate with them, and give them suggestion and sympathy
in their investigations. This is especially the case as regards such subjects as Anthropology and Cosmogony,
upon which many students of Oriental science belonging to the Society would have numerous ideas to share with
their fellow-members.
But among those specially interested in intellectual pursuits, the Society appeals most nearly, perhaps, to such
as are oppressed by the intellectual difficulty of the crushing problems of human life, its origin and destiny,
the riddles of heredity and the dark mysteries of psychology.
Many members of the Society have given much time to the study of Religions, religious symbolism and dogma, as
phases and expressions of the human mind, so that all those interested in such pursuits will find in the T. S.
help, stores of information, and many a guiding clue to these labyrinthine mazes. And the same thing applies
to those intellectually interested in the study of the abnormal manifestations which occur through the human
organism, and in such subjects as Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, etc., etc.
But the intellect, and the intellectual faculties, by no means embrace the entire human being, and they are far
from being the most vitally important of his attributes, great as their importance [Page
15] undoubtedly is;
and the Theosophical Society is even more the appropriate place for all those men and women who have the
cause of suffering Humanity at heart, than for the purely intellectual student. To lead men on to think
for themselves, to assist them to cultivate and develop their nobler and broader aspirations, to aid them
in forming a vaster and deeper conception of human life, its laws and its purpose — to do this is
true philanthropic work, far more real, more lasting, more important in its results, than to fill their
stomachs, to clothe their bodies, or even to minister to their diseases. It is only in the ideas and conceptions
as to man and nature which the Society has done so much to popularize, that the poor, the suffering, and
the wretched can find a remedy for the sense of bitter wrong, injustice, and cruelty which gnaws so keenly
at many a heart.
To assist in this labour of love is a task in which should share all whose hearts beat in responsive sympathy
to the mental agony of others. All those of large heart, all the more developed and more compassionate souls
of our race should hasten to join in the service of our common humanity, should lay aside all religious and sectarian
prejudice, and seek in the ranks of the Theosophical Society the co-operation, assistance, and support which
it freely offers to all sincere and ardent lovers of their fellowmen. All such, all who seek as the true goal
of effort, to benefit and help others, all who can rise to the broad and lofty ideal of humanity itself as the
object of their devotion, can find no truer home, no stronger support, nor more earnest fellow-workers than the
Theosophical Society and its devoted members.
The Society has no dogmas, no tenets, no religion; it aims at teaching men the power of co-operation, and demonstrating
the value of perfect toleration and mutual aid in the search after truth. Through its many branches, scattered
all over the world, it brings together, and focuses at a common centre, the labours and investigations of many
minds, and places within reach of the student the labours of others engaged in the same research. Thus it puts
into the hands of western students the key to the real comprehension of the religious, philosophical, and scientific
knowledge of our Aryan ancestors, while it also opens up the way to a broader and more philosophical comprehension
of our own forms of faith in all these directions. No one joining its ranks is called upon to subscribe to any
beliefs or doctrines, nor abandon his own, whatever they may be. Theosophy is not the creed of the T.S. ; it
is only a system of thought studied ardently by many of its members, because they find there that satisfaction
for those deeper cravings and longings of their hearts which they have failed to find elsewhere.
It is a commonplace to say that union is strength, yet few [Page 16] people realize the importance of this truth in the intellectual and aspirational worlds of life. How many a true
and noble thought, how many a lofty, unselfish aspiration, how many a longing after a larger and more comprehensive
grasp of life have perished, stillborn, for want of the timely sympathy and encouragement of others sharing in
like feelings! In moments of weariness and despondency, when the weight of sorrow or suffering forces upon our
attention the dark mystery of human life, we feel the need of a friendly hand amid the gloom. In our hours of
keen perception, of clear insight, when our hearts are uplifted with the glow of some new thought, some fuller
apprehension of the laws which guide our lives, we need kindred minds into which we can pour out our new-found
treasures. Such help, such opportunities it is the aim of the T.S. to furnish to all who desire them.
Many minds in our day feel instinctively the desire for some solid foundation on which to rest the aspirations
of their hearts in what maybe called a religious direction. But they have sought in vain for any firm ground
on which to build. To such the T.S. offers opportunities of study and of obtaining what they seek such as no
other organization can show. It is true that every man must find his own footing in this search for truth; but
much, very much, can be done by mutual assistance, and many errors and mistakes avoided by the free discussion
and comparison of views and experiences which the Society exists to promote.
But there are many persons fully in sympathy with the basic ideas of the Theosophical movement, many even who
hold such fundamental conceptions of Theosophy as Karma and Reincarnation, who yet do not join the ranks of the
Society. Such people are making a very grave mistake, whether their abstention is due to the fact that they do
not accept or sympathize with all the teachings of Theosophy, or to a fear of being hampered and limited in their
growth or action through belonging to any organization, or again, to the belief that they can get all they need
from Theosophical publications and would gain no good by joining the Society. To begin with, no one who joins
the Society is expected or asked to believe in or accept anything, except the ideal of Universal Brotherhood.
Secondly, no one need fear that he will be hampered or hindered in his growth or action through belonging to
the Society, for the whole tendency and spirit of the organization is to encourage and provide for the very largest
possible measure of individual freedom of thought and action. Thirdly, those who remain outside the Society under
the impression that they can get all they need from books, and have nothing to gain by joining an organization,
will sooner or later find out their mistake. For, not only do the magnetic, the mental, and the spiritual currents
bind all earnest members of the [Page 17] organization together, so that each is
upheld and aided in his progress by the strength of all, not only do the interchange of thought and the mental
contact between the members greatly benefit each, but the time is rapidly approaching when the great current
of spiritual life and light now sweeping through the world will cease to flow, and those who trusted to themselves
alone will find that, not being integral parts of a living whole, their inner life will rapidly die out under
these unfavourable conditions.
But these reasons appeal only to selfishness. There is a nobler, a truer, a grander motive which should make
all those join the society, who sympathize with the ideal of Universal Brotherhood, or who hold any of the
basic conceptions of Theosophy. This is the love of truth and the desire to help others. Nowhere can such
a field be found for the action of these two motives as in the Society. No other organization can appeal
with half the force to all who love truth for her own sake, to all who long to aid their fellow-men, who
desire to uplift the masses of the ignorant and the miserable, who realize that life has a grander, a nobler
purpose than eating, drinking, begetting children, and the gratification of selfish desires and ambitions — from all such no organization
can claim allegiance with a better right than the Theosophical Society, whose motto is: "There is no Religion
higher than Truth", whose foundation stone is the Universal Brotherhood of mankind, and whose
maxim for daily life is Altruism.
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Canadian Theosophical Association (a regional association of the Theosophical Society in Adyar)