delivered at the ANNUAL Convention of
Theosophical Society in England, 27 May 1978
The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric Philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations.
- The Secret Doctrine
To obtain life in human form is said by the Buddhist to be the greatest privilege.
The same concept is expressed in the classic work on Vedãnta, Sri Sankaracharya's Viveka-chudamani, usually translated as 'The Crest Jewel of Wisdom'. There it is said: 'Among sentient creatures birth as a man is difficult of attainment...' [Chatterji, Mohini M.,Viveka-Chudamani, Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, 1947, verse 2.] The challenge is to preserve such a condition by acting at all times in a human manner. Our humanity is threatened not only by forces external to our nature, but more significantly by factors within ourselves. Much has been said and written about the dehumanization of man by the technological devices he himself has created; many voices today are raised
in protest against a view of
man that would remove his essentially human identity by categorizing him as an
animal, albeit a superior one, among other animals or as a machine, however
skilful in operation, among other machines. The preservation of the human within
us is no easy task; to undertake the task depends ultimately on how we define
our humanity.
As Dr. Abraham J. Heschel has pointed out, 'Every generation has a definition
of man it deserves.' [Heschel, Abraham J., Who is Man?, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1965, page 23
] Our generation may
have moved from the Aristotelian perspective of the Scholastic philosophy
which defined man as homo rationalis, an animal with the capacity for choice, but, as Dr. Heschel continues, 'It is
characteristic of the inner situation of contemporary man that the plausible
way to identify himself is to see himself in the image of a machine.' [Ibid., pp. 23-24.] Evidence of our contemporary dilemma lies in the fact that we usually frame
our question of definition in terms of what rather than who is man. Our 'whatness' places us in the category of things, but being human is
a process, in which we are continually engaged. It is a journey, on which
our quest is for knowing more, for feeling more, and ultimately for that
transformation that carries us beyond ourselves. It is a journey in which
the very process of traveling is not distinct from the unfolding awareness
of our own mystery, for even in the discovery of ourselves, we only plunge
further into the mysterious depths of being. According to Laurens van der
Post, Dr. C.G. Jung once said that ‘The core of the individual is a mystery of life, which is snuffed out when it
is "grasped"... True understanding seerns to me to be one which does not understand, yet
lives and works...' [van der Post, Laurens, C. G. Jung and the Story of Our Time, Pantheon Books, New York, 1975, page 122.] So our human journey does indeed demand that 'Thou canst not travel on the Path
before thou hast become that Path itself.' [Blavatsky, H.P., The Voice of the Silence, Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1953 Golden Jubilee Edition, Fragment
I, vs. 58.]
then constitutes a human incarnation and how is it to be preserved? The Buddhist
reformer of the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, Tsong-kha-pa,
set forth the qualities and conditions required for man to be considered human,
and it is evident that he foreshadowed contemporary developments in the field
of psychology by his emphasis on man's uniqueness as arising, in the words of
Dr. Herbert V. Guenther, out of 'a psychological order because it is defined
by references to certain kinds of mental processes, attitudes and actions prompted
by them.' [Guenther, H.V., Treasures on the Tibetan Middle Way, Shamballa
Publications, Inc., Berkeley, California, 1969, page 5.] As Dr. Guenther translates certain passages in the works of Tsong-kha-pa, '
order to find a human body it is necessary to store powerful, wholesome Karma,
and this is very rare ... impeccable ethics and manners as the motivating
power for winning enlightenment must be present as a solid foundation, liberality
and other virtues as its companions, and proper resolutions as the connecting
links ... If I were to think that, although this human life is difficult
to win, it has been achieved and will last, I have to consider its
transitoriness which involves three premises: the certainty of death, the
uncertainty of the hour of death, and danger of death coming any moment
without delay.'[ Ibid., page 5. For comments by H.P. Blavatsky on the importance of Tsong-kha-pa
and his teachings as part of the Wisdom-Tradition called in our time by the
name of Theosophy, see the compilation of some of her writings published
by The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles, California, under the title Tibetan
See also The Secret Doctrine, 3rd Ed. Vol III/ Adyar Ed. Vol V, Sections
48 and 49. Two articles by Blavatsky are especially significant: "Tibetan Teachings," first published in Lucifer, September 1894, and "Reincarnations in Tibet," which first appeared in The Theosophist Vol. Ill, No. 6, March 1882. See
also the Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky, Vol.IV.]
Our humanity, then, is not a random happening, a chance accident in a universe of numerous accidents; it is the result of carefully nurtured attitudes, of actions founded on ethical and moral principles, and of continual efforts to live in a fully human manner. We are under obligation so to live and act at every moment as to preserve and advance our humanity. 'The greatest concern of man is to know what one has to be in order to be a man,' wrote Immanuel Kant. The truly human
is expressed in the power of conscious choice. There is a Hebrew saying to the effect that 'Man was created for the sake of choice,' and the sense of a choice of ways is present in all mythologies. Not only must we face the consequences of our choices, we must also recognize that others cannot make our choices for us. Every Scripture echoes this fundamental truth of the humanjourney. 'The art of living is, in its essential meaning, a development and transformation of the power
of inward choice', wrote Frances Wickes, a leading student of Carl Jung.[Wickes, Frances G., The Inner World of Choice, Harper and Row, New
York, 1963, page 1.] And if
we fail to exercise this power, this faculty of choice which makes us human, 'we
shorten the stature of our soul.' The central lesson of the Bhagavad Gîtã is not
so much that Arjuna must act as that he must act out of his own choice, that he
must reach his own decision and understand the basis on which his action rests. For Arjuna, symbolic of every man, was a man with a problem; as with so many individuals with problems, he longed to have someone else solve his dilemma. This Sri Krishna could not do, as indeed no true teacher can ever solve the problem which may confront the student. The Immortal Charioteer in each of us, if we may contact him, can but give us the vision, the true perspective of comprehensive understanding, on which to base our choices intelligently and with
As the Viveka-chudamanireminds us:
nature of the one reality must be known by one's own clear spiritual perception
and not through a pandit...; the form of the moon must be known
through one's own eye .
'Who but oneself
(Ãtman) is capable of removing the bondage of Avidyã, Kãma
and Karma... even in a thousand million Kalpas?
'Disease is never cured by (pronouncing) the name of medicine without taking it;
liberation is not achieved by the (pronunciation of the) word Brahman without
direct perception.' [Op cit., verses 56, 57, 64.]
Our human journey, then, must properly begin with an understanding of who we
are and what constitutes our human-ness. H.P. Blavatsky, in setting forth for
this age the ageless tradition, defined man as a saptaparna, a seven-leafed plant.
The seven principles are variously given in the theosophical literature, but
recognizing the two highest principles as the universal Self or Ãtman
and its spiritual soul or consciousness, Buddhi — these two in union constituting the
Monad — we may narrow our definition to that which is essential for man to be
truly man. As H.P.B. states the case:'... the two higher "principles" can have no
individuality on Earth, cannot be man, unless there is (a) the Mind, the Manas-Ego,
to cognize itself, and (b) the terrestrial false Personality, or the Body of
egotistical desires and personal Will, to cement the whole, as if round a pivot...
the physical form of man.' [Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine, 1888 Ed, Vol. II p. 241/3rd Ed. Vol. II p. 252/Adyar Ed. Vol. Ill p. 244.- Hereafter, references to The Secret Doctrine are given similarly to the three editions in order of publication: 1888/3rd/Adyar.] Dr. Annie Besant summarized this magnificent
statement in the succinct and extremely useful definition: ' "Man" is that being in
the universe, in whatever part of the universe he may be, in whom highest Spirit
and lowest Matter are joined together by intelligence...' [Besant, Annie, The Pedigree of Man, Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, 1943, page 44.]Essentially, then,
three factors are involved, with the focus on the middle principle or aspect,
as it may be called; this is the mind, or, more properly, the entire psychological
as will become evident as we proceed. Here at this central point, technically
the Kãma-mãnasic nature, is man; here is found both the agony and the glory of
being human; here, where
...the impossible union
Of spheres of existence is actual...'
[Eliot, T.S., Four Quarters, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, 1943,
page 27.]
lies the central task which is the supreme opus of
the human journey, the 'consciousing' (to coin a word) of our godhood in the
attainment of SELF-realization.
Therefore, in considering
the human journey, it may be useful to adopt what is known as the Tãraka Rãja Yoga system in the classification of man's principles. Discussing the septenary
classification, H.P.B. gives valuable tabulation of systems adopted in various
schools. [ Blavatsky, H.P., Op cit., I 157/1 181/1 12.] Commenting on the Tãraka Rãja Yoga system, she says that 'for all practical
purposes', this is the 'best and simplest.' Explaining further, she states:
Though there are seven principles in man, there are but three distinct Upadhis
(Bases), in each of which his Ãtma may work independently of the rest.' And
she goes on to emphasize that ' every Adept in Cis-Himalayan or Trans-Himalayan
India, of the Patanjali, the Ãryasanga or the Mahãyana schools, has to become
a Rãja Yogi, he must, therefore, accept the Tãraka Rãja classification in principle
and theory, whatever classification he resorts to for practical and Occult
purposes'' [lbid., 1 158/1 182/1 213.] In this connection, we may also take note of the statement by H.P.B. that 'The
human principles elude enumeration, because each man differs from every other...
Numbering is ... a question of spiritual progress and the natural predominance
of one principle over another.' [lbid., III 456, V 436.]
The Tãraka Rãja Yoga system, as indicated above, states that Ãtma, or the universal consciousness, is localized through three Upadhis or bases. The word upadhi, from the verbal root dhi, which means to hold or to nourish, is generally translated as container or
receptacle, but it also has the connotation of that which imposes limitation
on and gives qualification to that which is held, nourished and contained within
it. Therefore, the three upadhis through which the universal becomes particularized both limit and nourish the
One Consciousness in its
individualized expression. These three upadhis are given as:
1. Kãranopãdhi, or
spiritual soul or Buddhi; the word Kãrana (combined with upadhi) is derived from the verbal root Kr, which is to act or cause action; Kãranopãdhi, then, is that base which provides, the principle of causality;
2. Sûkshmopãdhi, or
the mind, including Kãma rûpa, consciousness, together with volitions and feelings; the word sûkshma meaning fine, subtle, precise, intangible, carries with it the connotation of
the subtler principles relating to the psychological nature of man;
3. Sthûlopãdhi,
or the dense physical with its etheric and prãnic aspects; the word sthûla means that which is tangible, gross, bulky and therefore the sthûlopãdhi has been called the perishable body, which has mass and weight, in which the
spiritual soul, clad in its subtle bodies, is invested for incarnation.
The unique value of this system in the consideration of the specifically human journey
becomes evident when we consider further that the esoteric philosophy explicitly
states'... that there exists in Nature a triple evolutionary scheme for the
formation of the three periodical Upãdhis; or rather three separate schemes of evolution, which in our system are
inextricably interwoven and interblended at every point. These are the Monadic
(or Spiritual), the Intellectual, and the Physical Evolution.' [lbid., I 181/1 203/1 233.] Elucidating this doctrine, Dr. G. de Purucker points out that these three lines 'are coincident, contemporaneous, and fully connected in all ways: an evolution of the spiritual nature of the developing creature taking place on spiritual planes; an evolution of the intermediate nature of the creature (in man the psychomental
part of his constitution); and a vital-astral-physical
evolution, resulting in a body or vehicle increasingly fit for the expression of the
powers appearing or unfolding in the intermediate and spiritual parts of the
developing entity.' [De Purucker, G., Man in Evolution, Theosophical University Press,
Pasadena, California, Second and Revised Edition, 1977, pp.54-55.]
To complete the picture, H.P.B. adds that 'Each of these three systems has its
own laws, and is ruled and guided by different sets of the highest Dhyãnis or Logoi. Each is represented in the constitution of Man, the Microcosm of
the great Macrocosm, and it is the union of these three streams in him, which
makes him the complex being he now is.' [Blavatsky, H.P., Op cit., I 181 /1 204/ 1 233.] Actually, it is man alone who unites in himself these three streams of evolution,
and he does so through that specific factor in his constitution which marks
him as human: the presence of Manas, or the principle which makes self-consciousness
possible. It is to this principle that he must give the utmost attention, for
to betray its promise is to forfeit his humanity. To refuse to think is to
deny our human condition; the battleground, the kurukshetra, is the field of choice. We dare not retreat from the field, lest we lose our
human state, even though our choices may prove in some wider perspective of
knowledge to have missed the mark at which we aimed. Perhaps the most fundamental
human right after all is the right to be wrong!
A decade or so ago,
a biologist is reported to have announced, 'I have discovered the missing link
between the anthropoid apes and civilized men. It's us!' The theosophical student
may well paraphrase such a statement by pointing to the occult view of man,
in which the 'link' between the animal state of existence, in terms of a physical
body, and the Immortal Spirit or Atman is the psychological nature where we
are most focused today. Indeed, in man are met all the opposites, and in man
alone can come the resolution of the opposites. This is the human journey to
which H.P.B. directed our attention in emphasizing, in connection with the
fundamental propositions on which the occult doctrine is based, that:
‘The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric Philosophy
admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those won by his own Ego
through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses
and reincarnations.[lbid., I 17/1 45/1 83.] '
Relating this essential doctrine to the threefold evolutionary stream in the
production and development of the periodical bases or Upãdhis through which the one Ultimate Reality, localized as Ãtma, manifests itself, we may suggest that three primary processes are involved.
These may be termed: first, reincarnation, by which the developing consciousness
sheaths itself in successive Sthûlopãdhis or physical vehicles appropriate to the awakening life within; second, metempsychosis,
by which self-transformation, dependent on 'personal effort and merit', shapes
the psychomental constituents of man's constitution into the likeness of the
archetypal or 'Heavenly' man; [For an analysis of the term, "Heavenly Man," see especially the work by E.L. Gardner, The Heavenly
Man: The Divine Paradigm, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1952. Numerous references to the concept
The Secret Doctrine.] and, third, the process of Enlightenment by which the spiritual nature stands
revealed in its full and awesome splendour. These processes are indeed 'coincident,
contemporaneous, and fully connected in all ways,' because they relate to three
kinds of time. Reincarnation takes place in linear time; it is therefore possible
to speak of past and future lives or existences and to say of the current transitory
and constantly changing complex that we call ourselves, This is my present incarnation.'
Metempsychosis occurs in mythic time; here transpires the hero journey of the
soul, with a beginning possible at any moment of linear time, for one does not
need to wait on a new 'incarnation' to undertake the quest for self-transformation.
The process of Enlightenment, as the Buddha's experience clearly evidenced, takes
place outside of time altogether; it is the 'now' which is always, and which
can enter the world of time at any point, as it were. The very word 'process'
scarcely be applied to Enlightenment, and one is forced to resort to the well-known paradoxical phrase of India,
'Neti, neti!' — not this, not that.
It has become axiomatic
to say that today man stands at the crossroads and that upon his present decisions
will rest not only his own survival but the very survival of the earth itself.
There are those who cry out that we have already chosen the fatal fork in the
road and are well along the way to self-destruction and world-annihilation.
If that is so, then we must have the courage to retrace our steps, to return
to the treacherous junction by facing the consequences of our old choices (Karma)
and start off anew on the genuine road that leads to our goal. An African proverb
reminds us that ‘The road doesn't say a word to anyone by which is simply meant that each one
must walk the path for himself. Myth and fairy tale are replete with examples
of those who took the wrong turnings, found themselves, as did Christian in
Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress, in the 'slough of despond', and so had to retrace their steps, living out the
results of unhappy choices until with renewed strength they could once more
set out on the great journey . AII about us may be the signs that we are embarked
on the wrong road; sometimes we act very much like passengers on a bus, chattering
away about our own petty concerns and the trivialities of existence, never
looking out of the window to see where we are going, what is the terrain over
which we are traveling, fully content to leave the driving to someone else.
Occasionally, we may hear a cry from someone in a forward seat who urges the
driver to stop, to turn around, to take another direction, but we only laugh
and shout, 'Go on! It doesn't matter where we end up; this is fun and we are
enjoying ourselves!' But when we do finally wake up to the direction we have
been taking, when we become aware that the bus can be stopped and we ourselves
can take a hand in determining our destination, then as all the great myths
relate we begin in earnest on the hero journey of the soul and, like Ulysses, we set out
To sail beyond the
sunset, and the baths
Of all the western
It may be that the
gulfs will wash us down:
It may be we shall
touch the Happy Isles,
. . . that which
we are,we are;
One equal temper
of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time
and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek,
to find, and not to yield'.
Alfred Lord, Ulysses. The full poem may be found in many anthologies as well as in Tennyson's collected
work has been clearly set out before us: to take
up the human journey, the quest for self-transformation.
The forces that are arrayed against us are no longer
those that would enslave the body but those that
hold in bondage the mind and heart, forces we ourselves
have set in motion through all the past of our unconscious
wanderings in the desert of ignorance. We must win
through to our immortality; a lonely journey it may
be, yet we are never alone, and if we will but
look, the signposts are clearly marked by generations
of Adept Teachers. We travel from the self to the
Self, and then on to the One SELF. 'Saith the Great
Law: —
"In order to become the KNOWER of ALL SELF thou hast first of SELF
to be the knower"...thy self is lost in SELF, thyself unto THYSELF,
merged in that
SELF from which thou first didst radiate.' [Blavatsky, H.P., The Voice of the Silence, Fragment
I vs. 19 and 90.]
The process or method by which the journey is accomplished is that of metempsychosis,
a doctrine grossly misunderstood and sadly misinterpreted, until it is viewed
in the light of the occult philosophy. H.P.B.'s reference to it as an essential
element in man's achievement of his human-hood, and ultimately his superhuman
state, is clear evidence that it refers to the necessary psychological transformation
that must take place if we are to win our immortality. Reincarnation alone
is insufficient to achieve the goal set before us: the mere accumulation of
existences, experiencing a certain number of lives, can no more make of man
a god than continuing to eat forever the leaves of some special plant can transform
the caterpillar into a butterfly. The process of metamorphosis in certain organisms
that undergo a complete internal change is analogous to the task which must
be undertaken in full conscious awareness by each individual for himself. Hence
it is that H.P.B. speaks of a 'long series of metempsychoses and reincarnations.' As already stated,
the latter is linear in time; metempsychosis participates in another dimension
of time, what has been called by many writers
mythic time.
Usually translated as
changing soul after soul metempsychosis has been termed 'a symbol of the passing
of the ego during successive incarnations into human bodies, astral and physical,
full of animal propensities denoted by names of animals of various kinds.' [Gaskell, G.A., Dictionary of All Scriptures and Myths, The Julian Press, New York, 1960, page 498.]Dr. de Purucker points out that the term 'contains the specific meaning that
the soul of an entity, human or other, moves not merely from condition to condition,
migrates not merely from state to state or from body to body; but also that
it is an indivisible entity in its inmost essence, which is pursuing a course
along its own particular evolutionary path as an individual monad, taking upon
itself "soul" after "soul"...' and metempsychosis, therefore, refers to 'the adventures which befall the
soul...'[De Purucker, G., Occult Glossary, Theosophical University Press, Pasadena, California,
1956, page 105.]The doctrine is fundamentally Platonic, and therefore may best be understood
in the light of Plato's concept of the soul. It may be recalled that H.P.B.
spoke of the Platonic philosophy as 'the most elaborate compendium of the abstruse
systems of old India,' and of Plato as 'the greatest philosopher of the pre-Christian
era [who] mirrored faithfully in his works the spiritualism of the Vedic philosophers
who lived thousands of years before himself, and its metaphysical expression.' [Blavatsky, H.P., Isis Unveiled, Original Ed. Vol. I page xi; 1910 Ed. Vol I.
page xvii.]
Therefore, while metempsychosis has usually been used either as synonymous with
reincarnation or as simply another term for transmigration, it should be recognized
that each term has its own specific meaning in the esoteric philosophy. As
Dr. de Purucker further points out: 'It is of course evident that these words
have strict relations with each other, as, for instance, every soul in its
metempsychosis also transmigrates in its own particular sense; and inversely
every transmigrating entity also has its metempsychosis or soul-changings in
its own particular sense. But these connections or interminglings of meanings
must not be confused with the specific significance attached to each one of
these words.' [De Purucker, G., Op Cit., page 105.] An examination of the Platonic doctrine will amply justify the thesis that metempsychosis
is an essential process, relating to psychological evolution, in the total
journey of man toward his ultimate goal. It should neither be confused with
the process of reincarnation nor dismissed as an alternative term for transmigration
(which also, incidentally, has a deeper and more "significant meaning than has been assigned to it in exoteric works; see, for
example, the elucidation of its genuine esoteric significance in H.P.B.'s article
'Transmigration of Life Atoms'). [Blavatsky, H.P., Collected Writings, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton,
Vol.IV., pp 559-60]
Throughout all the dialogues of Plato, the responsibility of the individual soul
is emphasized. In the Phaedo, Socrates tells his listeners, '...if the soul is really immortal, what care
should be taken of her, not only in respect of the portion of time which is
called life, but of eternity! And the danger of neglecting her from this point
of view does indeed appear to be awful.' [Jowett, B., trans., The Dialogues of Plato, Oxford University Press, London, 1931, Vol. II, page 255.] Plato again and again stresses that the soul through her own action brings judgment
upon herself, both when through ignorance or passion she transgresses the Divine
Law and when by her own efforts she turns from the depths of misery to ascend
the heights of spiritual realization. The Platonic myths in the Timaeus, the Phaedo, the Phaedrus and the Symposium deal beautifully with the nature of the soul, the choices before her on her
journey in the realms of birth and death, and her final restoration and return
to her true home. A complete analysis of these myths, revealing the mystical
aspects of a deeper truth preserved through the esoteric tradition, would constitute
a study quite independent of our present theme. An excellent brief survey,
however, may be found in the small work, The Human Soul in the Myths of Plato by the Editors of the Shrine of Wisdom. [Shrine of Wisdom, ed.. The Human Soul in the Myths of Plato, The Shrine of Wisdom, London, 1936]
As the Editors of the Shrine of Wisdom point out, '. .
. when Plato speaks of the souls of men changing into the souls of animals,
this must not be taken to mean that the human soul can become literally the
soul of an animal, but rather that it lives in a purely natural manner, content
only with the things of the body, and without energizing its more divine faculties.' [lbid., page 12.] Thomas Taylor the great Platonist so frequently quoted by H.P.B .,states in his
Introduction to the Timaeus, 'Again, when our souls are represented after falling to the present body as
suffering ; transmutation into brutes, this, as Proclus beautifully observes
must not be understood as if our souls ever became the animating principles
of brutal bodies, but that by a certain sympathy they are bound to the souls
of brutes, and are, as it were, carried in them,..' [Taylor, Thomas, The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides, TimaeusandCritias of Plato, The Secret Doctrine Reference Series, Wizard Bookshelf, Minneapolis, U.S.A.,
1975, page 286. ] More explicitly, Plato in the Phaedo records Socrates as saying that 'such as are addicted to gluttony, arrogant
injuries, and drinking, and this without any fear of consequences, shall enter
into the tribes of asses and brutes...' while 'such as hold in the highest
estimation injustice, tyranny, and rapine, shall enter into the tribes of wolves,
hawks and
kites.' [Jowett, B., Op. cit., Vol. II, page 262.] So, according to the Platonic doctrine, the outer form reveals the characteristics
which the manner of a man's life dictates. For Plato only those who were devoted
to philosophy could maintain the human state. One may easily note the nearly
unconscious continuation of such a view in terms of the language used to describe
individuals by animal traits; we may say, for example, that a woman addicted
to gossip is 'catty,' or that a man who pursues women is a 'wolf. Language itself
often reflects mythological truths, though the basis for certain expressions
may long since have been forgotten. In the present context, however, it is relatively
easy to recognize that we tend to maintain in our speech the essential significance
of the doctrine of metempsychosis even when we may intellectually reject its
usual exoteric connotation.
The ease with which
the human state can be lost is nowhere better illustrated than in the dramatic
account of metempsychosis written in the second century. A.D. by the brilliant
adherent of the Neoplatonic school, Lucius Apuleius. There seems ample justification
for suggesting that Apuleius was not the original author of the book known
as The Golden Ass, but that he derived it from a Greek work which has since been lost. Be that
as it may, evidence of the continuation of a number of mystery cults— Mithraic, Dionysian, Egyptian, etc. — at the time when Apuleius lived would lend credibility to statements that he
himself had been initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries and probably sought
to obtain admission into several other mystery schools as well. In her psychological
interpretation of The Golden Ass, Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz points out that
this work by Apuleius was preserved probably because its rather pornographic
contents, especially when read without understanding its occult or even psychological
signification, made the novel popular reading (albeit providing forbidden information)
among the monks and novices in monasteries throughout the Middle Ages. [For a modern English rendering of Apuleius's novel, see The Transformations of Lucius Otherwise Known as The Golden Ass, translated by Robert Graves and published by Penguin Books in 1950. Dr. Marie-Louise
von Franz, an eminent Jungian, has written an invaluable commentary, A Psychological Interpretation of The Golden Ass of Apuleius, published by Spring Publications, The Analytical Psychology Club of New York,
Inc., 1970. ] Whatever the reason for the survival of the work, its significance or its present
relevance for us lies not merely in what it may tell us, in veiled form, about
certain mystery schools of the past — schools in which the occult tradition was maintained through initiatory rites
and disciplines — but more importantly in depicting quite graphically the human journey, with
its transformations or metempsychoses, which must be undertaken by every individual
even at the risk of losing his human condition.
The story that Apuleius
related is much intermixed with extraneous elements which certainly form 'blinds'
to the essential meaningfulness of the tale, as genuine occultism has always
been veiled in allegory and symbol since its ultimate secrets are communicable
not in words but through an awakened spiritual perception. In The Golden Ass, we have the story of a young man, Lucius, whose name itself means 'light',
who sets out on a journey to his mother's home, a very apt symbol of the abode
of Sophia, the eternal wisdom. En route, Lucius encounters numerous adventures,
meets with people of all stations in life, and the novel is interspersed with
countless tales that sometimes amuse and sometimes instruct. In the course
of his journey, Lucius meets a young, attractive girl, Fotis, whose name also
means 'light', but it is through her that he is transformed into an ass, able
to say only 'hee-haw' although his inner consciousness is left untouched by
the outer appearance. Just so the tragedy of the loss of our essential humanness
is compounded when we realize the extent to which we may have made fools (asses,
we may even say) of ourselves when we have identified ourselves with our emotional
or instinctual nature. We may note that it seems to be light that leads light
astray, so it is necessary to examine a little more closely the situation in which
Lucius found himself. The contemporaneity of the story is evident if we compare
the circumstances with those in the world today, when there is such widespread
interest in the phenomenalistic aspects of occultism. For Lucius was diverted
from his central purpose by the lure to study witchcraft, and it was in the
house of a couple who could afford him an opportunity to pursue such a study
that he met Fotis. Now the light that Fotis represents is the illusory, reflected
light of the astral or kamic nature. As The Voice of the Silence reminds the aspirant:
'Beware, Lanoo, lest dazzled by illusive radiance thy
Soul should
linger and be caught in its deceptive light.
This light shines
from the jewel of the Great Ensnarer
(Mara). The
senses it bewitches, blinds the mind,
and leaves the
unwary an abandoned wreck'.
H.P., The Voice of the Silence, Fragment I. vs 33 34]
The number of people today, young and old, who are blinded by the dazzling light
of the pseudo-occult, by promises of quickly gained psychic abilities, or by
their own search for self-gratification, is legion, and like Lucius they may
figuratively, if not literally, wear asses' heads as a result of their bewitchment.
Indeed, Lucius is but one figure in an ancient line of personified principles
representative of the Anthropos, the man who in all ages represents every individual
human in his quest for wholeness. The Gnostic tradition is replete with references
to the 'Light-Man', or the personified principle of light who undertakes a journey
into the Stygian darkness of matter, there to await redemption or by his own
efforts to liberate, through inner transformation, the original being within
himself and to return in full Self-consciousness to the kingdom of light. From
the Rig-veda description of the primordial Purusha, or original person, through all the myths
of countless cultures, to the Gnostic, Hermetic and alchemical traditions, the
image of Lucius has lived on into our own time, whether consciously recognized
or unconsciously experienced. Today, the astrological image of the Aquarian period
provides a graphic symbol of the Anthropos, reminding us that the task of man
in this age is to become conscious of the larger, inner presence which is the
central point of our divinity and which must be carefully preserved lest we lose
our humanness. Like Lucius, we must ourselves remove the ass's head by eating
of the rose, symbol of self-sacrifice, and standing naked, that is, without any
false coverings that hide the true, immortal Self. The process is ever the same,
an inner transformation, a true metempsychosis, by which the human soul is awakened
to its true state when it can be initiated, as was Lucius, into the mysteries
of Isis
and Osiris, the mysteries of nature and an understanding
of life
and death.
The question inevitably
arises as to the means by which metempsychosis is effected, how the transformations
occur that lead to liberation, and the ultimate goal of the process. This is
essentially one question, for goal and process cannot be separated, or, as
pointed out earlier: 'Thou canst not travel on the Path before thou hast become
that Path itself'. [Ibid., Fragment I, v. 58.]This fact has always been recognized in the true mysteries; in the story of Lucius,
it was beautifully portrayed in his awakening to the effort required to achieve
his own liberation. It is always 'through personal effort and merit' that we
proceed on the human journey that leads to the final transcendence of the human
condition. To revert once more to the tale of Apuleius, Lucius had to break
through the crowd of people pressing about him, symbol of the need for every
individual to extricate himself from the collective unconscious, from the standards
of the masses and a crowd morality; only then could he snatch at the garland
of roses and eat them 'with loving relish.' So it is that each one must for
himself stand free from the crowd, pursue his own lonely inner experience,
unprotected yet also undisturbed, and eat to the full of the rose, symbol of
sacrifice and love. As Jung has clearly indicated, the act of sacrifice, which
always implies a certain suffering, is part of 'the divine process of change', which 'manifests itself to our human understanding
and ... man experiences it — as punishment, torment, death, and transfiguration'.[Jung, C.G., Collected Works, Vol. 13, "Some Observations on the Visions of Zosimos," para. 139; Bollingen Foundation, Pantheon Books, New York, 1953.]
The symbolism of the human journey recorded in the work of Apuleius could be
pursued much further, but we may note here only that following the eating of
the roses, which concluded the period of his punishment and torment, he underwent
the symbolic death and transfiguration which are essential features of all
genuine initiatory rites. Lucius' own words describe the experience:
'I approached the very gates of death and set one foot on Proserpine's
threshold...At midnight I saw the sun shining as if it were noon...The curtains
were pulled aside and I was suddenly when a statue is unveiled,
dressed like the sun.' [Graves,
Robert, trans., Op cit., page 286.]
Indeed the culmination of Lucius' transformative process is reminiscent of the
description of transfiguration given in The Voice of the Silence:
standeth now like a white pillar to the west, upon whose face the rising
Sun of thought eternal poureth forth its first most glorious waves. His mind,
like a
becalmed and boundless ocean, spreadeth out in shoreless space. He holdeth
life and death in his strong hand'.
[Op.cit. Fragment III v. 282.]
The method by which
the process of metempsychosis, of inner soul transformation, is accomplished
has been variously defined. In The Key to
Theosophy, H.P.B. refers to the process of Theurgy, or "divine work", or
producing a work of gods; from theoi, “gods”, and ergein, “to work”. The term
is very old, but, as it belongs to the vocabulary of the MYSTERIES, was not
popular use. It was a mystic belief — practically proven by initiated adepts and priests — that,
by making oneself as pure as the incorporeal beings — i.e., by
returning to one's pristine purity of nature — man could move the gods to impart to him Divine mysteries ..'.[Blavatsky, H.P., The Key to Theosophy, Section I, The
Meaning of the Name (footnote).]Whether
known as yoga in the east or alchemy in the western
tradition, the theurgical task is still before us
if we would win our immortality. In today's psychological
terminology, it may be called self-actualization
or individuation. Whatever the name assigned to the
human opus, we are dealing directly with the psychomental
transformations which constitute the hero journey
of the soul. The language of medieval alchemy provides
a rich vocabulary for understanding the process itself,
for as Jung has pointed out in
regard to myth, symbolical language 'is the primordial
language natural to these psychic processes, and
no intellectual formulation comes anywhere near the
richness and expressiveness of mythical imagery.’ [Jung, C.G., Collected Works, Vol. 12, "Psychology and Alchemy," Bollingen Foundation, Pantheon Books, New York, 1953,
page 25.] What
is required of us is a genuine metempsychosis, a
second inner birth, the authentic regeneration
which is the production of the lapis philosophorum,
the diamond body of eastern alchemy, the spiritual
gold or 'noble Tincture' of the western alchemist.
As H.P.B. informs us at the very outset of The Secret
Doctrine, the word Dzyan
which is the title of the Stanzas on which her entire
exposition rests derives from a term which in older
texts is given as Janna and 'is defined as "reforming one's
self by meditation and knowledge." [Blavatsky, H.P., Op.cit., I xx (fn)/l 4(fn)/l 44(note
We must see the process however, as dynamic; it is a work. In today's world where guru-production has become almost an industry and the concept of meditation has become cheapened by the marketability of gadgets offering consciousness-alteration mechanisms which demand of their users no personal effort whatsoever, we may overlook the age-old truth that he who would win through to liberation cannot escape the labour required to effect the transformative process. In our scientifically
sophisticated age, we may dismiss as
superstition and fanciful imaginings the recipes and formulae of the medieval
alchemists. Fortunately, as a result of researches carried on by Dr. Carl Jung and
his successors, it is becoming increasingly recognized today that the seemingly
meaningless directions veiled the psychological and spiritual labours which
constitute the human journey. As A. P. Sinnett wrote in regard to this royal art of
spiritual regeneration:
transmutation of the normal physical consciousness of man into the divine
consciousness was
the magnum opus on which the true alchemists were
engaged, and much that is grotesque imbecility in the directions and recipes
they have left behind, if we read it simply as nineteenth century chemists,
spiritual philosophy in strictest harmony with the
laws governing human spiritual evolution, when we put
a symbolical construction on the quaintly
expressed formulae relating to coctions and distillations
and the mercury of the
wise and fiery waters and ferments.’
A.P., The Growth of the Soul, Theosophical Publishing
Society, London, 1896, page 371. For H.P.B.'s comments
on the subject, see especially her article on "Alchemy in the Nineteenth Century," translated by Boris de
and reprinted in The Theosophist, July, 1957, Vol.
78, No. 10.]
It may not be without significance that many frontier thinkers in the field of
psychology have been and are today pointing out the psychological implications
of the magnum opus confronting man, using alchemical terminology as the
symbolical language of essentially psychic and spiritual processes. For
H.P.B., who clearly restated for our time the principles of the mystery
tradition which included alchemy, stated explicitly that the next developmental
stage in man's evolution 'has more to do . . . with psychology than with
H.P., Op.cit., II 135/II 143 III 144.] As stated earlier, the focus of our task today is at the psychological level,
the second of the three schemes of evolution dealing with the intellectual
or kãma-manasic field of operation in man, where the process is metempsychosis. This is the
critical area of the psychomental complex where the battle for the preservation
of our humanness is waged.
In all alchemical
texts certain basic motifs appear according to which the lapis philosophorum, or the philosopher's stone, the perfect and incorrupt substance or latent goldness,
is produced. Generally the stages in transmutation are given as threefold,
symbolized by the colours black, white and red or gold. In some texts four
stages are distinguished: blackening, whitening, yellowing and reddening.
Into the alchemical vessel, which is man himself, are put sulphur and salt,
the sulphur symbolizing the desire nature with its appetites and passions
seasoned, as it were, with 'intellectual salt,' salt representing at this
stage the reasoning faculty of the lower mind. The mystic agent which is
also present in the vessel of our nature is known as Mercury, which Evelyn
Underhill describes as 'Spirit in its most mystic sense, the Synteresis or
holy Dweller in the Innermost, the immanent spark or Divine Principle ..
Only the "wise" the mystically awakened, can know this Mercury, the agent of man's transmutation;
and until it has been brought out of the hiddenness, nothing can be done.' [Underhill, Evelyn, Mysticism, University Paperbacks, Methuen and Co., London, 1960, page 145 - For a psychological interpretation, see the work by C.G. Jung, "The Spirit Mercury," Collected Works, Vol. 13.] As Underhill continues: The Three Principles being enclosed in the vessel ...
which is man himself, and subjected to a gentle fire — the Incendium Amoris — the process of the Great Work, the mystic transmutation of natural into spiritual
man, can begin ... ' She then compares the three stages of the work, when
the prima materia or initial matter assumes the three successive colours (black, white and red),
to the three traditional stages of the mystic way: purgation, illumination
and union. These may be seen also as analogous to the Three Halls of Ignorance,
Learning and Wisdom described in The Voice of the Silence as the three states of consciousness which lead the aspirant into the fourth
or fully transformed state of the Enlightened One. The yogic literature of
eastern alchemy similarly delineates a threefold process leading to the transformative
awareness and in many systems heat plays an important part in the production
of the 'new man'.
The first state, called in alchemy nigredo or
blackness, represents the present state of human nature, full of imperfections
and undergoing a certain purification through darkness and misery, conflict
and suffering. The lower nature is gradually being dissolved; illusions about
oneself and the world fall apart and one confronts directly what has been called
in psychological terms the shadow or in alchemical terms 'the black beast.'
Jung quotes an old alchemist as praying: 'Purge the horrible darkness of our
mind, light a light for our senses!' [
C.G., Psychology and Alchemy, page 36.
This stage is also felt as a 'melancholia', when even one's most cherished
ideals and convictions seem hollow and the entire work seems almost too difficult
to attempt. Yet one must confront even the darkest elements within oneself,
domesticate the 'black beast' of passion by taming the animal instincts and
desires of the personal nature. For until we do confront every bit of darkness
within, realizing that if the world without seems dark and forbidding it
is only because we ourselves are opaque, we cannot proceed to that transmutation
of our condition which marks the necessary metempsychosis out of which will
be born the new man. If we do persevere, we may be certain that even in the
blackest hour, at the deepest point of suffering, the content of the next
stage will appear when the personality is emptied of all dross. So this stage
is known as albedo or whiteness,but it has also been called the state of Luna, or silver, when the personality inwardly translucent shines with the reflected
light of the true Self. The dangers of mistaking this stage as the culmination
of the magnum opus are clearly set forth in The Voice of the Silence, where the Hall of Learning (the second of the three Halls through which every
aspirant must pass) is spoken of as 'dangerous in its perfidious beauty ..
Beware, Lanoo, lest dazzled by illusive radiance thy Soul should linger and
be caught in its deceptive light.[ Blavatsky, H.P., Op. cit., Fragment I, v. 33.]
So we must press onward to the final stage, the rubedo, which has often been called the 'Marriage of Luna and Sol', the fusion of the
human and divine, the union of the personality (Luna) with the essential
Self (Sol). Now the retort can be opened to reveal the philosopher's stone,
the pure gold of Wisdom, the diamond body, the Gnostic Anthropos, the Heavenly
Man, Salvator, filius macrocosmi; by whatever name it has been called, there now stands forth the divine original
man, long buried and forgotten in the very centre of our being. Jung quotes
the 17th century alchemist, Gerhard Dorn: ‘Transform yourselves from dead stones into living philosophical stones!' [Jung, C.G., Psychology and Alchemy (Collected Works, Vol. 12), page 256. ] The philosopher's stone. the lapis philosophorum, is frequently spoken of as
hermaphrodite, containing within itself all opposites, binding together
all the elements in the world. It is said to radiate a cosmically healing
effect and indeed he who has found the way to his own inner transformation,
healing all divisions within himself, becomes the healer of the world.
What began as a lonely way to one's self is found to be, in the end, a
glorious path trod in the company of the gods. As Michael Maier, another
17th century alchemist quoted by Jung, has expressed himself: 'There is
in our chemistry a certain noble substance over whose beginning affliction
rules with vinegar but over whose end joy rules with mirth. Therefore I
have supposed that the same will happen to me, namely that I shall suffer
difficulty, grief, and weariness at first, but in the end shall come to
glimpse pleasanter and easier
things.[ lbid., pp. 260-61.] If, as Jung has pointed out, ‘The terrors of death on the cross are an indispensable condition for the transformation,'[Jung, C.G., Psychology and Religion (Collected Works, Vol. 11), Bollingen Series, Pantheon Books, New York, 1958,
page 221.] we may also be equally certain that out of the long series of reincarnations
and metempsychoses there will come that experience of the Self which, as Dr.
von Franz has so beautifully stated, 'brings a feeling of standing on solid ground
inside oneself, on a patch of inner eternity which even physical death cannot
touch.[von Franz, Marie-Louise, C. G. Jung, His Myth in our Time, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1975, page 74.]
The divine alchemy of individual transformation brings about, as a logical consequence,
the transformation of the world. Is there, then, any other way than to
undertake the human journey? How else shall we change the world? For if
we are in darkness, the world can not know peace. 'Learn to suffer and
you shall understand how not to suffer,' is the admonition given in the
apocryphal Acts of John. Within ourselves are met all the possibilities
both for world destruction and for world redemption; when we know how to
bear the pain and burden of the world's sorrow, we shall know how to transmute
that sorrow into supreme joy. Thou art enlightened — Choose thy way.[Blavatsky, H.P., The Voice of the Silence, Fragment
III, v. 310.] Nowhere
has the human journey been more aptly summarized
or more surely delineated than in the Upanishadic
From the unreal lead me to the Real,
darkness lead me to Light,
death lead me to Immortality.
Here is the
age-old way, in accordance with the 'pivotal doctrine of the esoteric philosophy'.
the way that ‘admits no privileges or special gifts in man...' except those he has earned out
of his own experience. It is a way, however, in which we must realize that
there is no one to lead us and nowhere to be led, for even here, even now,
Reality, Light and Immortality are all about us and within us. We have
but to open our eyes to see. The passage that is the human journey is won
by our own efforts through numberless external existences and countless
internal transformations. And when we have won through, we shall see the
Real embedded in the unreal; we shall behold the Light in all that is dark;
we shall know our Immortality even in the transient moment of time.
One day, in
that mythic time of ever-nowness, will come the climax of our journey:
‘Behold, the mellow light that
floods the Eastern sky. In signs of praise both heaven and earth unite.
And from the four-fold manifested Powers a chant of love ariseth, both
from the flaming Fire and flowing Water, and from sweet-smelling Fire and
flowing Water, and from sweet-smelling Earth and rushing Wind. ‘Hark’ . . . from the deep unfathomable vortex of that golden light in which the Victor
bathes, ALL NATURE’S wordless voice in thousand tones ariseth to proclaim:
Peace to all
beings.[ ibid., Fragment III, vs. 311-316.]