"...the Spirit (the 'Father in secret' of Jesus), or Atman ... only overshadows the mortal; that which enters into him and pervades the whole body being only its omnipresent rays, or light, radiated through Buddhi, its vehicle and direct emanation." (p. 101)
"Man is a correlation of spiritual powers, as well as a correlation of chemical and physical forces, brought into function by what we call 'principles.'" (p. 102)
"... the spirit (Atma) never descends hypostatically into the living man, but only showers more or less its radiance on the inner man (the psychic and spiritual compound of the astral principles)..." (pp.102-3)
"... we only allow the presence of the radiation of Spirit (or Atma) in the astral capsule, and so far only as that spiritual radiancy is concerned. We say that man and Soul have to conquer their immortality by asdcending towards the unity with which, if successful, they will be finally linked and into which they are finally, so to speak, absorbed." (p. 103)
"If that union between the lower, or personal Manas, and the individual reincarnating Ego, has not been effected during life, then the former is left to share the fate of the lower animals, to gradually dissolve into ether, and have its personality annihilated. But even then the Ego remains a distinct being. It (the spiritual Ego) only loses one Devachanic state ... as that idealized Personality..." (pp.103-4)
"The whole esotericism of the Buddhistic philosophy is based on this mysterious teaching ... An Ego who has won his immortal life as spirit will remain the same inner self throughout all his rebirths on earth ..." (p.104-5)
"... the Zohar teaches that the soul cannot reach the abode of bliss, unless she has received the 'holy kiss,' or the reunion of the soul with the substance from which she emanated - spirit. ... ' Woe to the soul which prefers to her divine husband (spirit) the earthly wedlock with her terrestrial body,' records a text of the Book of the Keys, a Hermetic work. Woe indeed, for nothing will remain of that personality to be recorded on the imperishable tablets of the Ego's memory." (p.108)

Extracted from The Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky

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